Thursday, 16 July 2015

Practice Question 3 DDL Commands

Pratice Question 3 (Understanding the use of   DDL commands.)
Write and Execute the SQL command for the following and also write the steps/commands in your Practical notebook.

1.       Create table CUSTOMER as per following Table structure

2.   Insert 5 records with relevant information in the Customer table.
3.   Update all the records as add ‘Mr.’ with CustName.
4.   Add one column Email of data type VARCHAR and size 30 to table
5.   Add one more column CustIncomeGroup of data type VARCHAR(10).
6.   Drop the column CustomerIncomeGroup from table Customer.
7.   Modify the column CustCity as change the size 40 characters long.
8.   Delete all the records who belongs to ‘Jaipur’
9.   Create table ORDER as per following Table structure. 

10.   Add 5 records as per defined constraints in Order table.
11.   Create a table TEMPCUSTOMER from existing CUSTOMER table with CustID, CustName and CustPhone columns.
12.   Write command to show the Tables in the MYORG Database.
13.   Drop the TEMPCUSTOMER table.
14.   Drop the database MYORG.

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