Thursday, 16 July 2015

Practice Question 1 MySQL

Practice Question 1
Open MySQL and Login with your ID and password given by your Teacher. Write and Execute the SQL command for the following and also write the steps/commands in your Practical notebook.
1   Create a Database named MYORG.
2   Open the Database with USE command.
3   Create a table name Emp with following structure.

4   Insert the following Records-

5   Write a query to display all the records with all the columns.
6   Write a query to display EName and Sal of employees whose salary are greater than or equal to 2200
7   Write a query to display details of employs who are not getting
8   Write a query to display employee name and salary of those employees
who don’t have their salary in range of 2500 to 4000.
9   Write a query to display the name of employee whose name contains “A” as third alphabet in Ascending order of employee names.
10   Write a query to display the ename and sal with 50% of sal as DA.
11   Write a query to display the name of employee whose name contains ”M” as First and “L” as third alphabet.
12   Write a query to display details of employs with the text “Not given”, if commission is null.
13   Display the distinct job titles offered by the Organization.
14   Display the Names of employees who are working as Manager or
15   Display the names of employees who joined the organization on or after 01/05/1991.

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