Thursday, 12 December 2013

Selection Control and Loop Control

Assignment Based on Selection Control and Loop Controls

1.      What is the difference between exit controlled and entry controlled  loop?
2.      Find out the value of variable b.
                int b=0 ;                                       
                for(int a=0;a<=30;a++)                                           
                         if( a % 2==0)
                                  b= b+a;                                                      

3.      Write the sample code to check whether password is STUDENT or not if not display proper message “Password is wrong” ?

4.      What will be the value of Y if the value of  X is given  21                           
            (i)Y= ++ X;                 (ii) Y= X++;
5.      Rewrite the following program code using do…while loop                                     
                   int a, sum =0;
                   for (a=1; a< =50 ; a= a+2)
                        Sum = sum +a;
6.      The following code has some error(s).Rewrite the correct code underlining all the correction made:                                                                                  
                   Int I , sum = 0;
                   while ( I <= 20
                        Sum += i
                        i += 2;
                   jTextField1.getText ( “ “ +sum);
7.      What will be the contents of jTextField1 and jTextField2 after executing the following 
                   String str = “java GUI Programming”;
                   jTextFiled1.setText(str.tolowercase( ));
                   jTextField2.setText(str. Substring(5,8));
     8. Rewrite the   code using While Loop?                                       
         int j,i=5;
             for (j=1;j<=i;j++)
      System.out.println( “ “+j);
     9.      What will be the contents of jTextarea1 after executing the following code:           
jTextarea1.setText(“Kendriya\n Vidyalaya\t Guna”);

     10.  Rewrite the code using switch statement:                                         
                              Day=” Tuesday”;
                              Day=” Wednesday”;
   11.  Rewrite the  following program code using a for loop:                     
Int i=1,sum=0;
   12.  The following has some error(s).Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made:                                                                                                                 
Int i, j=5;
jtextfield1.setText(“I and j are unequal”);
                        jtextfield1.setText(“I and j are not equal”);breaks;
                        jtextfield1.setText(“I and j are equal”)

    13.  What value for X below  will print Exactly “Line 20” lines to standard output:                                                                  
              int count=0;
                        jTextField1.setText(“Line “ + count);
   14.  Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made:                                                                                
int i; j=5;
i== j+5;
{ jTextField1.setText(“i and j are unequal”);
jTextField2.setText(“they are not equal”); break;
jTextField1.setText(“i and j are equal”);

    15.  Rewrite the following program code using for loop:                                                 
int num=6;
int temp=num;
{ temp=temp-1;
if (temp%2==0)
System.out.println(“Is even”);
System.out.println(“Is odd”);

    16.  Write the output of the program:                                                                                                                                1
                                    int x = 10;
                                    int y = 15;
                                    jTextField1.setText(“”+(x>y)? 3.14: 3);
    17.  What will be the contents of jTextField after executing the following statement?                              jTextField.setText ( ‘B’  + ‘a’ );

    18.  What will be the output of the program given below. Which number is printed twice? (Show the working also     
                                                int sum1=3;

    19.  What will be the value of M and N after execution of the following code:                                                             
            int M=150,N;
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,”M : ” + M +”N: “+ N+””);

    20.  What will be values of x and y  after execution of the following code :                                           
                 int x, y = 0;
                 for( x= 1; x<=5; ++x)

   21.  Write a function in Java that takes principal, rate and time as parameter and returns Simple           

    22.  Rewrite the following code using a for loop :                                                                                                 
         int i=1, sum=0;
          while (i<10)
    23.  Analyze the program segment and determine how many times the body of loop will be executed
x=5 ; y=50;                                                                                                                             
while (x<=y)
{ y=y/x;
jTextField1.setText (“” +y) ; }
    24.  Write a JAVA code that takes a character from JTextField1 and find whether it is a vowel or not and display it in JtextField2.         

    25.  State the output of the given code:                                                                           
int tick=10;
int k;
for(k=1; k<=10; k=k+2)
{   if (tick% k ==0 )
        jTextField1.setText( “ “+k + “ is a factor of “ + tick);
   26.  Rewrite the code  Using Switch case -                                                                                  
char c = ‘g’;
if(c = = ‘g’)
string x = “Greetings”  ;
if(c = = ‘b’)
    string x = “Bye” ;
if(c = = ‘d’)
    string x =   “ok”;
     else string x =  “Sorry! No Message Available”;
    27.  Name the method used to retrieve the selected item from  jComboBox.                             
    28.  What’s wrong with the while statement?                                                                              
while((ctr<5) &&(ctr>30))
{ int i=i++;}
    29.  double number;
string sn;
number= Double.parseDouble(jTextField1.getText( ));
JTextField2.setText(Integer.toString(sn.length( )));
    30.  How many variables and objects have been declared in the above code?                
    31.  Name any one native class along with its methods                            .                      
    32.  What will be the contents of jTextarea1 after executing the following code:                       
1.            jTextArea1.setText(“RED\n SCHOOL\t CHHUCHHAKWAS”);
    33.  Rewrite the following code fragment using switch :                                                             
            if(ch = = ‘E’)
            if(ch = = ‘W’)
            if(ch = = ‘N’)
            if(ch = = ‘S’)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, “unknown”);
   34.  Convert the following code into while loop.                                                                         
            int m,n;
            m=5; n=9;
for ( int j=0; j<=10; j+=2 )
                        System.out.println( m + “ “ + n );
                        m = m + 10;
                        n = n + 5;
    35.  Write two differences between a listbox and combobox.                                                     
    36.  The following code has some error(s). Rewrite the correct code and underlining all the corrections made:
int sum; value; inct;
int I;
for(i = = 0, i <= 10, i++)                                                                                                              
                  sum += i;
                  inct ++;                    
    37.   What will be the contents of jTextfield1 and jTextfield2 after executing the following code:        1
      String  s=”RED CHHUCHHAKWAS”
jTextField1.setText(s.Length()+”  “ );
    38.   What will be the value of x and y after execution of the following code:                           
int x , y = 0;
for(x = 1; x <= 5 ; x + + )
y = x + + ;
- -y;
System.out.println( x + “ “ + y );
    3 9.  Write a method in JAVA that takes a number as parameter and returns its reverse             
    40.  What is the output of the following code, if the value of variable k is 10?                                      
       int result = ++k + k++ + k ;
            System.out.println ( result ) ;
    41.  Write a program in JAVA to input a number in jTextField1 and calculate its factorial.       
   42.  What are expressions? How many types of expressions are there? Name them.                   
    43.  Differentiate between Entry-Controlled Loop and Exit-Controlled Loop.                          
    44.  Write the code for the following :                                                                                         
            1 2
            1 2 3
            1 2 3 4
    45.  Given the following code fragment :                                                 

Write an alternative code using switch case.
   46.  What will be the output produced by following code fragment?                 
x=1 ; y=1;
if(n>0) {

x=x+1 ;
y=y-1 ;
What will be the value of x and y, if n=1 & n=0
    47.  Find out errors if any:                                                                        
 int i; sum= 0;
i=1 ;
while (i<=10)
Sum =sum +i
} System.out.println(sum) ;

   48.  Predict the output of the following code fragments:                                    
int val1 =5; val2=10;
for(int i=1;i<=3;i++)
system.out.println(“ “ +val1++  + “,” + --val2);
system.out.println(“ “ +val2--  + “,” +++va12);

    49.  Distinguish between a unary, a binary and a ternary operator, Give examples of Java operators for each one of them?                                                                     
   50.  What is wrong with following code:                                                                         
            int n = 2
            Switch ( n)
            Case 1:
                        a1 = 10;
                        a2 = 20;
            Case 2:
                        a3 = 30;
                        a4 = 40;

    51.  What is the purpose of continue statement in loop?                                                  
   52.  Why is it necessary to put break statement after every case in a switch statement?  
    53.  How many times the following loops be executed:                                                   
                        LOOP-1                                  LOOP-2
                        int a=5,b=25;                           int a=5,b =25;
                        while (a >=b)                           while (a<=b)
                        {                                              {
                                    a = a + 10;                               a=a+10
                        }                                              }
   54.  Write a function in Java that accepts two numbers as Parameters and returns their product.                                                          
    55.  What will be the value of n after executing the following code:                                          
                        int n = 0;
                        if (6 >7 | | 5>4)
                                    n = 5;
                                    n = 7 ;

    56.  What will be the contents of jTextArea1 after executing the following statement?
                        jTextArea1.setText(“Hello \n How are You \t Rohit?”);
    57.  Rewrite the following code using while loop 2
                        int sum = 0; j = 5;
                        for (i=0;i<=4; i++)
                                    sum = sum +(i+j-1);
    58.  Identify the error(s) in the following code fragment:
                        int vowels = 0;
                        switch (ch)
                                    case „a‟ :
                                    case „A‟ :
                                    case „e‟ :
                                    case „i‟ :
                                    case „I‟ :
                                    case „o‟ :
                                    case „O‟ :
                                    case „u‟ :
                                    case „U‟ :vowels++;
    59.  What will be the contents of jTextField1 and jTextFiled2 after executing the following     code:                                                                                                                                      
                                    jTextField1.setText(Math.pow(3,4)+ “”);
                                    jTextField2.settext(Math.round(23.172)+ “”);
60.  Differentiate between a Text Field, Text Area and password field.
61.  What is the difference between if and switch statements?
62.  What are the operators supported by Java explain logical operators?
63.  Given the following expression:-
             a ) res= 30;             b ) res==30;
64.  What is the difference between these two statements?
65.  What will be the value of res if initial value of res is equal to 48
66.  Write a java code for the Item event handler of a checkbox(namely incCB) that increments a variable total and display it on a label(namely count) the checkbox is selected.

67.  State the output of the following code:                                                                                             
int   a = 10 , b = 5 ;
if ( a > b )  {
if ( b > 5 )
tf1. setText ( " b is " + b ) ;
tf1. setText ( "a  is " + a ) ;
68.  What will be the output of the following code fragment when the value of ch is ‘B’.                     
switch (ch) {
            case ‘A’ : ta1. append (" Grade A " );
  case ‘B’ : ta1. append (" Grade B " );                
            case ‘C’ : ta1. append (" Grade C " );                
            case ‘D’ : ta1. append (" Grade D " );
                 break ;
            default   : ta1. append (" Grade F " );
69.  Rewrite the following code using do-while loop.                                                                             
for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ )
  ta1. append ( 2 + " x " + i + " = " + ( 2 * i ) ) ;
70.  Rewrite the following program code using a switch statement :                                                       
if ( code = = 1 )
            Month = "January" ;
else if ( code = = 4 )
  Month = "April" ;
else if ( code = = 8 )
  Month = "August" ;
  Month =  "No Match" ;
71.  The following code has error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made:           
int Sum = 0 , Step = 5 ;
int I ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < = 5 , i ++) ;
                        Step += 5 ,
  Sum += Step ;
jTextArea1 . showText ( "  " + Sum )
72.  Find error :-                                                                                                                                         1
              if (sex==1)
              else ;
73.  What will be the value of x and y after execution of following code :                                                          1
int  x , y = 0 ;
for ( x = 1 ; x < = 5 ;  ++x )
                          y = x + + ;
- - y ;
74.  What will be the value of P and Q after execution of the following code?                                                   1
            int P,Q=100;
            for(P=10; P<=12;P++)
                        Q += P;
75.  Rewrite the following program code using a Switch statement:                                                       
            if( code == 1 )
                        Month = “January”;
            else if ( code == 2 )
                        Month = “February”;
else if ( code == 3 )
                        Month = “March”
else if ( code == 4 )
                        Month = “April”;
                        Month = “No Match”;
76.  What will be displayed in jTextField1 after executing the following code?                         
            int   m =  16;
            m = m + 1;
if  ( m < 15 )
77.  What will be the contents of jTextField1 after executing the following statement :
int n=20;
78.  The following code has some error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made:                                                                                                                         
Int n1,n2=10;
            jTextField1.setText(“n1 and n2 are equal”);
            jTextField1.setText(“n1 and n2 are not equal”);

79.  The Admission No. of a student is stored in a variable strAdmno. Sugandha wants to store this admission  no. in an Integer type variable intAdmno. What java statement should she write to do this?                                                                                 
80.  Rewrite the following program using  a if statement.                                                            2
int c=jComboBox1.getSelectedIndex();
{          Case 0:  FinalAmt= billAmt;  break;
            Case 1:  FinalAmt= 0.9*billAmt;  break;
            Case2:  FinalAmt=0.8* billAmt;  break;
            default:  FinalAmt= billAmt;  break;

81.  How many times the following while loop get executed?                                                    
int p=5;
int q=36;
{          P+=6;
82.  Given a string object named Salary having value as “55000” stored in it. Obtain the output of the following.                                                                                                             

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